Friday, February 23, 2007

Iraq War Resolution: Never Mind

Senators Harry Reid, Joe Biden, and Carl Levin have crafted a resolution to declare null and void the Senate's 2002 vote giving President Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq.

Drip, drip, drip....

The Dems press on with their "Slow-Bleed" strategy to secure defeat in Iraq.

Their lame repeal, flip-flop, or whatever you want to call it won't pass, but that's not the point.

The Washington Post:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) warned yesterday that a new Democratic effort to repeal the 2002 Iraq war resolution would meet the same fate as two previous efforts to limit President Bush's authority: blocked by procedural obstacles, unless Democrats relent to GOP terms.

Speaking to reporters by conference call from his Louisville home, McConnell compared the latest Democratic move to "trying to unring a bell." He warned that Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. military commander in Iraq, would "have to surround himself with lawyers" to comply with the new resolution that senior Democrats are drafting.

It's weird, though not surprising, that The Post depicts the Republicans as obstructionists.


They are seeking to obstruct President Bush's authority.

They want to create obstacles to prevent victory.

The Republicans are seen as holding the Dems hostage, the ransom being relenting to GOP terms.

Lib Bias? What lib bias?

The Post considered the Dems' obstruction of Bush's judicial nominees to be a noble exercise.

I guess OBSTRUCTION is in the eye of the beholder.

...Biden responded in a CNN interview that while the Constitution allows Bush to conduct war, it does so "only if the Congress gave him the authority in the first place."

"We are repealing the initial authority," Biden said. "And by the way, the United States Constitution cannot be trumped by the United Nations. It cannot be trumped by it. The implementation act of the United Nations treaty, when we passed it, said, it depends upon the Congress's authority."

What a shock!

Biden was on TV!!!

This man gets more face time than all of Bush's cabinet members combined.

Biden is all over the map in his comments.

He suggests that Bush never was given authority by Congress to go to war in Iraq.

If that's true, then why have a resolution to repeal that "initial authority"?

Biden really can be a blithering idiot.

Then, he champions the Constitution as supreme to any UN resolution.

Don't the Dems usually want to surrender U.S. sovereignty to the UN?

Don't they want us to run every move we make by the UN?

In 2004, the Dems were on board with presidential candidate John Kerry's suggestion that our country needs to pass a "global test" before acting. We need the UN's permission. Of course, Kerry tried to explain that he was understood before he was misunderstood on that one. Or was he misunderstood before he was understood?

I think presidential wannabe Biden was campaigning, albeit pathetically, when he threw in that line about the Constituion not being trumped by the UN.

McConnell noted that 29 Democrats voted for the 2002 resolution, including three Democratic presidential candidates: Biden, along with Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and Christopher J. Dodd (Conn.).

"If the Senate doesn't support the mission in Iraq, it has only one option, and that's to decide whether or not to fund that mission," McConnell said. "That's our constitutional role, and we shouldn't drag this into the morass of Democratic presidential primary politics."

McConnell is right.

The cowardly Dems are screwing around, posturing, and playing primary politics -- trying to shirk their responsibility for the 2002 vote, wiping their hands clean.

And trying to remain blameless as they ensure defeat for the U.S. in Iraq.

If the Dems want to end the war, they should step up and promote resolutions to end it NOW. They should defund it instead of engaging in games. Case closed.

In any case, whether the Dems employ their shameful "Slow-Bleed" plan or switch to a quick surrender Russ Feingold-style agenda, they will be responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and the wider Middle East that's sure to follow if U.S. forces leave prematurely.

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