Friday, February 29, 2008

Fear Factor: Hillary Answers the Phone

Of course, Obama doesn't like it.
During an appearance this morning at a veterans event in Houston, Obama responded to the Clinton ad. "We've seen these ads before," said Obama, according to the Post's Shailagh Murray. "They're the kind that play on peoples' fears to scare up votes."

Yes, we've seen such ads before.

Now, Hillary's ad doesn't come close to being like Lyndon Johnson's infamous, ill-fated ad, but it does raise the issue of fear.

Question: Is it wrong to address people's fears?

Replace the word "fear" with "concern."

Sometimes, fear is a very rational response. It can be detrimental to not be afraid and recognize danger.

Does it make sense to ignore people's fears?

Should a candidate dismiss the fears/legitimate concerns of the people?

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