Friday, February 22, 2008

Hillary's Xerox Gamble

Last night's debate between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was civil but there were moments of "sparring."

If you missed it, you can see clips online.

Watch Hillary and Obama spar over this.

Watch Hillary and Obama spar over that.

Even the sparring clips, the supposed big moments, are pretty boring.

That's probably because we've heard it all before. What has changed, however, is Obama's "walk on water" attitude. His confidence isn't very becoming. It comes off as arrogance. He has this "I know you love me, I know you want me" smugness. I don't see humility in him. It's like he believes he deserves all this adulation.

Meanwhile, Hillary is looking more awkward.

AUSTIN, Texas -- Hillary Rodham Clinton accused presidential rival Barack Obama of political plagiarism Thursday night, but drew boos from a Democratic debate audience when she ridiculed him as the candidate of "change you can Xerox."

Obama dismissed the charge out of hand, then turned the jeers to applause when he countered, "What we shouldn't be spending time doing is tearing each other down. We should be spending time lifting the country up."

The exchange marked an unusually pointed moment in an otherwise civil encounter in the days before March 4 primaries in Texas and Ohio — contests that even some of Clinton's supporters say she must win to sustain her campaign for the White House.

The Xerox line was not an off-the-cuff remark. Hillary didn't deliver the line well either. To make matters worse, Obama's supporters in the audience booed.

It didn't work at all.

I'm very doubtful about Hillary's chances of winning the nomination.

Nothing will stop Obama. Even his wife Michelle's despicable comments are embraced by Obama's followers.

Rather than being repulsed by Michelle's recent offense, they're thrilled by her lack of pride in the country. They share her feelings. They don't see any reason to be proud of America either.

Obama is filling arenas with his fans now. But, sometime before November, some of his current supporters are likely to suffer buyer's remorse when the intial glow of the new romance wears off.

Boredom will set in. They'll see clearly and they'll wonder, "What was I thinking?"

Or maybe not. Love is blind.

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