Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday Morning Murder in Milwaukee

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
A 21-year-old man was shot on Milwaukee's north side just before 9 a.m. this morning and was later pronounced dead at a hospital, according to police.

An uncle, Don Burris, identified the victim as Sanchaz Conley, who lived nearby on N. 4th St. with his grandmother. Burris said he thinks Conley was starting a new job today, and was on his way to work when he was shot.

...Marilyn Copeland, 40, said she has lived on the block since she was 8 years old. "Ain't nothing like this," she said, noting few problems as a child. "It's early in the morning."

She said residents are afraid to let their children play in the area because of flying bullets. Her sister, 45, who would only provide her name as Ann, said she also remembers more peaceful times while growing up.

"It's terrible. The next generation is terrible. Not like us. We didn't see none of this," she said.

...One man who would only identify himself as J.J. said he was inside his home when he heard four shots. He said he has lived on the street for about 12 years and saw the victim as they took him away in an ambulance. He spoke with the victim's grandmother as she rushed to the scene from her nearby home.

J.J. believed the victim might have been on his way to a bus stop to get to work when he was shot.

So we have another daytime shooting in Milwaukee.

Oh, well.

Did you hear about the snow storm that will hit the area later today?

Let's talk about salt.

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