American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. is an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country.
American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. is registered in the United States Patent Office, Legislative Branch of the United States Congressional Library and the United States World Book Almanac.
The original copy of the Federal Charter granted to the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. was placed in the Archives of Congress.
One June 12th, 1984 the Ninety-Eighth Congress of the United States granted the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. a charter. Sec. 3 lists the objects and purposes for which the corporation is organized, shall be those provided in its articles of incorporation, and shall include a continuing commitment, on a national basis.
-- Keep alive and develop the spirit that promoted world services.
-- Maintain the ties of fellowship born of that service, and to assist and further all patriotic work.
-- Inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, State, and Nation.
Assist veterans of World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, Vietnam, and other strategic areas and their dependents in the presentation of claims to the Veterans’ Administration, and to aid in any way in their power the men and women who served and died or were wounded or incapacitated during hostilities.
-- Perpetuate the memory of those whose lives were sacrificed in our wars.
-- Maintain true allegiance to the United States of America.
-- Inculcate lessons of patriotism and love of country in the communities in which we live.
-- Inspire respect for the Stars and Stripes in the youth of America.
-- Extend needful assistance to all Gold Star Mothers and, when possible, to their descendents.
-- To promote peace and good will for the United States and all other Nations.

Grace Darling Seibold founded the organization after her son George was killed in aerial combat during World War I.
From the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. website:
Grace, realizing that self-contained grief is self-destructive, devoted her time and efforts to not only working in the hospital but extending the hand of friendship to other mothers whose sons had lost their lives in military service.She organized a group consisting solely of these special mothers, with the purpose of not only comforting each other, but giving loving care to hospitalized veterans confined in government hospitals far from home.
The organization was named after the Gold Star that families hung in their windows in honor of the deceased veteran.
After years of planning, June 4, 1928, twenty-five mothers met in Washington, DC to establish the national organization, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
The success of our organization continues because of the bond of mutual love, sympathy, and support of the many loyal, capable, and patriotic mothers who while sharing their grief and their pride, have channeled their time, efforts and gifts to lessening the pain of others.
We stand tall and proud by honoring our children, assisting our veterans, supporting our nation, and healing with each other.
That's a little bit about Grace and American Gold Star Mothers, a group of proud American patriots.
On their home page, recent events have caused American Gold Star Mothers to put up a disclaimer on the site, distancing themselves from Cindy Sheehan.
Sheehan hijacked the name of this nearly ninety-year-old organization that has served our nation with such distinction.

Sheehan is a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace.
GSFP's mission:
-To bring an end to the occupation of Iraq.
-To be a support group for Gold Star Families.
-Provide support and to empower those who have been victimized by the invasion/occupation of Iraq.
-Raise awareness in the United States about the true human costs of the invasion/occupation of Iraq.
-Reach out to families who have lost a loved one as a result of war.
-Anyone who has had a relative killed as a result of war.
-Primarily, but not limited to the invasion/occupation of Iraq.
In response to GSFP, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. said:
Cindy Sheehan is currently in the news. She and her organization have no connection whatever with American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. We are a 501 C(3) organization and, as such, do not engage in political activities. We do support our troops. After all, they are our children.
More on gold star mothers vs American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.
Like American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., I think it's important to clarify the dramatic differences between Cindy Sheehan's politically motivated group and the purpose of the group founded by Grace Darling Seibold when she lost her beloved son in World War I.
Grace intended her group to offer support and love to those grieving the loss of a child in war.
Read the story of Ruth Voshell Stonesifer, the Gold Star Mother of Kristofor Stonesifer.
Kristofor was killed in action on October 19, 2001, during the first night of Operation Enduring Freedom.
Ruth writes:
My son died serving his country, a country I love and no longer take for granted. Gold Star Mothers know there is a price to be paid to have freedom. We all share a common bond wearing this little gold pin. Like our sons who were bonded in brotherhood for the sake of war, sharing the deepest lost known to womankind, the loss of a child, bonds us as Gold Star mothers.
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