DNC chairman Dr. Dean appeared on Face the Nation yesterday, which means VERY few people probably heard what he had to say.
Nonetheless, his words will come back to bite him.
While discussing the war in Iraq, Dr. Dean said:
First thing we need is to do have a plan for leaving. And the second thing we need to do is to make sure that to the best of our ability we can influence the writing of the constitution. It looks like today, and this could change--as of today, it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq. That's a pretty sad commentary on this administration's ability to do anything right.
The RNC's response:
Dean's wild assertion that Iraqi women would be better off living under Saddam Hussein than democracy is not only counterproductive to meaningful debate, it demeans the hard work of American servicemen and women serving in Iraq.
Dr. Dean needs to keep talking. Suggesting that women were better off under Saddam's regime is crazy. He exposes the Democrats as nutjobs and completely out of touch with reality. Every time he opens his mouth, he gives Republicans another gift.
Apparently, Dean thinks that Iraqi women prefer rape and torture and murder to their current situation.
U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad said, "the Iraqi constitution will respect the rights of all Iraqis, men and women, and that the U.S., working with Iraqis, will work very hard to make sure that the human rights of Iraqis are respected in the constitution."
Khalilzad also said he told Iraqi leaders that their new constitution should reflect "equality between men and women before the law." The absence of any type of discrimination in Iraqi social and political affairs "is vital," he maintained, to the success of the new Iraq.
"I have every expectation that the draft constitution will grant equal rights to men and women," Khalilzad said, noting, "our efforts and the efforts of many women here in Iraq and the international community will ultimately pay off on this score."
Creating a functioning, just government is not easy. It should be remembered that it took well over a hundred years before women in the U.S. were granted the right to vote.
In any case, two points should be noted:
1) Women were not better off under Saddam Hussein's reign of terror than in today's Iraq.
2) Dean, head of the DNC, is a FAR-LEFT EXTREMIST.
Check out the press release from the DNC about Dean's appearance.
Where is Dean's "it looks like women will be worse off in Iraq than they were when Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq" remark?
Not there.
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