Casey Sheehan

Casey on the Calico mine train

Casey with his first Sargent and platoon Sargent at Ft.Irwin

Casey in Iraq
Am I upset?
The tipping point has been reached in the Cindy Sheehan circus.
Sheehan Calls Son's Killers 'Freedom Fighters'
In an interview earlier this month, Bush-bashing Gold Star mom Cindy Sheehan referred to terrorists allied with the Iraqi insurgents who killed her GI son Casey as "freedom fighters."
"Now that we have decimated [Iraq], the borders are open, freedom fighters from other countries are going in, and [U.S. troops] have created more terrorism by going to an Islamic country," Sheehan complained to CBS Newsman Mark Knoller.
Knoller, as well as other reporters who heard Sheehan's remarks, declined to include the outburst in his coverage.
But a video unearthed Tuesday by FreeRepublic.com captured Sheehan's comments on tape.
KNOLLER: You know that the president says Iraq is the central front in the war on terrorism, don't you believe that?
SHEEHAN: No, because it's not true. You know Iraq was no threat to the United States of America until we invaded. I mean they're not even a threat to the United States of America. Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq was not a terrorist state.
But now that we have decimated the country, the borders are open, freedom fighters from other countries are going in, and [U.S. troops] have created more terrorism by going to an Islamic country, devastating the country and killing innocent people in that country. The terrorism is growing and people who never thought of being car bombers or suicide bombers are now doing it because they want the United States of America out of their country. [END OF EXCERPT]
No wonder Cindy Sheehan has said, "You killed my son, George Bush."
Bush is the enemy to her because the terrorists aren't the bad guys. They are fighting for freedom. Good Lord.
You can disagree with the Iraq war and U.S. policy. You can not support the President. Those are all legitimate positions; but you cannot consider terrorists to be on the same moral plane as our troops.
Anyone who calls the terrorists "freedom fighters" has no moral authority whatsoever!
Sorry, Maureen Dowd. Cindy Sheehan's "absolute" moral authority is utterly immoral.
The mainstream media has tried to cover up for this "grieving mother."
No one can dismiss that CBS Newsman Mark "Knoller, as well as other reporters who heard Sheehan's remarks, declined to include the outburst in his coverage."
So much for journalistic integrity.
The patron saint of the anti-war, anti-Bush movement has been exposed. There's no going back. It's over.
My heart breaks for her family. Casey Sheehan's mother refers to his killers as "freedom fighters."
My God, how horrible!!!
It is so sick and twisted.
I could say, like many on the right, that Cindy Sheehan has been exploited by the radical far Left. She has been used; but I will not let her off the hook.
Sheehan is responsible for her words, unless she is insane and needs to be institutionalized for her own safety and the good of society. If she's not insane, she is incredibly misguided.
The argument can no longer be made that she isn't dishonoring the memory of her son.
Sheehan is literally giving aid and comfort to the enemy now.
She is spitting on the graves of every brave man and woman that sacrificed their lives in the War on Terror.
When all is said and done, she will take her rightful place next to Jane Fonda in American history.
Sheehan is not only disgracing her son's memory. She is doing a disservice to our troops currently serving in Iraq, just as Fonda did when she cozied up to the enemy in Vietnam.
Is it wrong to criticize a grieving mother?
We all lose loved ones. Granted, sometimes the circumstances of death are more difficult to bear than others. Nevertheless, that does not give any of us a pass to be considered unaccountable for our words and actions.
Am I bashing a grieving mother?
She still has my sympathy for the loss of her son. As I've said before, nothing can change that.
However, the fact that Casey was killed in Iraq DOES NOT give Sheehan some sort of immunity to make borderline treasonous statements with impunity.
I am bursting with sympathy for Casey's family. How can they stand hearing his mother call Casey's killers "freedom fighters"?
I can't stand it. I really can't. The family must be in such pain.
Sheehan is truly pathetic. She is as about as screwed up as one can get.
My advice to her is to go home and pray to God for strength and forgiveness. I sincerely hope she finds peace.
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