Settlers spend Sunday grieving in the cemetery at Gush Katif.

Jewish settlers Yitzhak Hackmon, right, and wife Anat show the eviction order they received from Israeli army officials demanding them to leave their house within 24 hours, in the northern Gaza settlement of Elei Sinai, early Monday. The graffiti on the wall says: "My house is in Elei Sinai forever".
According to Cindy Sheehan, "You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism."
Sheehan must be thrilled at the scenes out of Gaza today. Foreign policy genius Sheehan sees this as the key to ending terrorism.
Israel's withdrawal from Gaza is underway.
NEVE DEKALIM, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Tearful Jewish settlers locked gates at their communities, formed human chains and burned tires to block troops from delivering eviction notices Monday as Israel began to pull out from the Gaza Strip after 38 years of occupation.
Police and soldiers waited patiently in the sweltering sun and avoided confrontations at the behest of their commanders. At one spot, a sobbing settler pleaded with a general not to evict him before the two men embraced.
"It's a painful and difficult day, but it's a historic day," Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said.
Over the next three weeks, Israel plans to dismantle all 21 Jewish settlements in Gaza and four in the northern West Bank. The withdrawal marks the first time Israel is giving up settlements on land claimed by the Palestinians for their future state.
...Hamas activists in Gaza City hung banners Monday proclaiming the pullout was a result of attacks by militants on Israelis. "The blood of martyrs has led to liberation," one banner said.
But the group said it had no plans to carry out attacks during Israel's withdrawal - an act that Israel warned would bring a harsh retaliation.
"If the Israelis evacuate the Gaza Strip quietly, I think there is no single person among our people who will obstruct or violate this evacuation," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri.
Israeli troops fired in the air Monday to keep back hundreds of Palestinians, including a few dozen masked gunmen, who marched toward southern Gaza's Gush Katif group of settlements in celebration of the impending withdrawal. The crowd burned a cardboard model of an Israeli settlement, complete with an army watchtower.
...At the isolated Morag settlement, hundreds of people blocked troops at the gate. One man, identified by Israeli media as Liron Zeidan, burst into tears as he pleaded with officers not to remove him from his home.
"I am not your enemy. I served as an officer under you," the man told Brig. Gen. Erez Zuckerman, commander of the army unit waiting at the gate.
Zuckerman listened and wiped sweat off his brow, then hugged the young man. "We love you, you are part of us," he told the assembled settlers.
To be sure, this is painful time for the Israelis that are being forced to leave their homes.
Will Israel be safer because of the withdrawal? Will terrorism against the Israeli people cease?
It won't be enough.
The Jihad against the Jews occupying Palestine will continue until they withdraw completely from the whole of Palestine including the Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip because any aggression against any Muslim property or land by any Kuffar or non-Muslim forces whether American, British or the Jews of Israeli makes Jihad (i.e. fighting) against them an obligation upon all Muslims.
To ally or to seek assistance of non-Muslim states is prohibited, a sin and a grave crime not to mention a betrayal of Allah (swt), His Messenger and all the believers. Hence whosoever among you allows his country to become a base for American, Jewish or other kufr forces or conspires and makes Muslim land a passage for any non-Muslim forces whether it be via sea, land or air, assisting directly or indirectly, an attack against Muslims in any part of the world will be at war with Allah (swt) and His Messenger. He will be humiliating himself before Allah (swt) and before the whole Ummah who will never forgive this ugly crime even if the perpetrator erects barriers to hide behind.
Any agreements and summits between the enemies of Islam whether G7, G8, the UN or with so-called Muslim representatives such as the PLO or Arabs of the Middle East in order to give away even a hand-span of Muslim land or to oppress and fight the Islamic movements or to arrest their members or to hand them over to the enemy in response to the Jews of Israel is considered to be war against Allah and his Messenger Muhammad (saw).
The Israeli cancer in Palestine must be uprooted. Islam obliges us to liberate all Muslim land from occupiers whoever they may be whether American, Jewish Israeli or other forces.
The Fatwa is therefore JIHAD against the Jewish occupiers, their government, army, interests, airports and institutions and it has been given by the most prominent scholars of Islam today because of the occupation of Muslim land and aggression against the Muslims of Palestine. The only Islamic Fatwa against this explicit aggression is Jihad.
Therefore the message for the Jews occupying Palestine is to leave and return to where they came from or face a full scale war of Jihad which will be the responsibly and the duty of every Muslim around the world to participate in.
O Mujahideen, O Muslim Armies and Activists wherever you are. Hold firm to the book of Allah and depend on none but him, fight the enemy of Islam and Muslims for the sake of none but Him and aim your weapons at the occupiers forces.
Let us salute Muslims in Palestine for their brave and generous stand. May Allah support you with patience, victory, dignity and the power to liberate the WHOLE of Palestine and to establish the Khilafah.
O Muslim Armies, We Muslims must not be attached to life nor run from death. Life's pleasures will come to us inevitably because God has granted us all the treasures of the world; we have oil, gold, water, resources, land, people, history and more importantly we have the Qur'an and we are the grand-children of an Ummah (Islamic Nation) which was the superpower for over a thousand years.
We must return back to our roots, support Muslims wherever they are, verbally, financially and militarily before the enemy enslave us and humiliate us more. This matter a very dangerous one for it requires us to sacrifice life, wealth and blood for its sake. Remember that the dignity of a Nation cannot be measured with land or wealth because the dignity of a Nation is not goods to trade with, therefore we must stand and engage in Jihad and support the Mujahideen, for death is better than humiliation before the disbelievers.
O Muslims, the opportunity is here and we must not pass it by. The battle is tense and our Muslim brothers are firm in their Jihad so we must not lose time aimlessly. We must act now and rise against the presence of Israelis in Muslim countries and close down their illegitimate embassies and companies. Verily, the Ummah is our Ummah, their war is our war, their enemy is our enemy, the Mujahideen are our brothers, their victory or defeat is our victory or defeat and the Khilafah is our Khilafah.
O Muslim Armies, Mujahideen, Scholars and activists, the Book of our Lord calls us, The Ummah cries for us and Paradise awaits us, Let us fight the Jewish occupiers, for a new dawn is near at hand.
Dismantling the settlements won't help.
Hate isn't dismantled that easily.
Debbie Daniel has an interesting column about Sheehan as the new self-appointed National Security Advisor.
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