President Bush's meeting with the Sheehan family

President Bush kissing Cindy Sheehan in family photo dated June 18, 2004
(Enlarged image) President Bush, center, kissing Cindy Sheehan among family members in 2004. Left to right: Janey, Carly, Patrick, President Bush, Cindy and Andy at Ft. Lewis in Washington State.
Joe Kovacs of WorldNetDaily notes that while there has been massive coverage of Cindy Sheehan's crusade to meet with President Bush for a second time, there has been a complete pictorial blackout of her first meeting with the President.
Kovacs writes that pictures of the meeting were "originally posted on a Sheehan family website featuring a large number of photos, but the images including President Bush posing with the family have since been removed from the original page."
Thanks to some digging by WorldNetDaily, we get a glimpse of Cindy Sheehan's meeting with President Bush.
A number of other photos, featuring Casey and the Sheehan family, remain on the website, Casey's Peace Page.
The site claims to be "Dedicated to all the men and women who bravely serve our country."
Scroll down and Cindy Sheehan's open letter to President Bush appears.
Dear George,
You don’t mind if I call you George do you? When you sent me a letter offering your condolences on the death of my son, Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, in the illegal and unjust war on Iraq, you called me Cindy, so I naturally assume we are on a first name basis.
George, it has been seven months today since your reckless and wanton foreign policies killed my son, my big boy, my hero, my best-friend: Casey. It has been seven months since your ignorant and arrogant lack of planning for the peace murdered my oldest child. It has been two days since your dishonest campaign stole another election…but you all were way more subtle this time than in 2000, weren’t you? You hardly had to get the Supreme Court of the United States involved at all this week.
You feel so proud of yourself for betraying the country again, don’t you? You think you are very clever because you pulled the wool over the eyes of some of the people again. You think that you have some mandate from God…that you can “spend your political capital” any way that you want. George you don’t care or even realize that 56,000,000 plus citizens of this country voted against you and your agenda. Still, you are going to continue your ruthless work of being a divider and not a uniter. George, in 2000 when you stole that election and the Democrats gave up, I gave up too. I had the most ironic thought of my life then: "Oh well, how much damage can he do in four years?" Well, now I know how much you have damaged my family, this country, and this world. If you think I am going to allow you another four years to do even more damage, then you truly are mistaken. I will fight for a true vote count and if that fails, your impeachment. Also, the impeachment of your Vice President. The only thing is, I'm not politically savvy, and I don't have a Karl Rove to plan my strategy, but I do have a big mouth and a righteous cause, which still mean something in this country, I hope.
...George, I must confess that I and my family worked very HARD to re-defeat you this time, but you refuse to stay defeated. Well, we are watching you very carefully. We are going to do everything in our power to have you impeached for misleading the American people into a disastrous war and for mis-using and abusing your power as Commander-in-Chief. We are going to scream until our last breath to bring the rest of our babies home from this quagmire of a war that you have gotten our country in to: before too many more families learn the true meaning of Hard Work. We know it is going to be an uphill battle, knowing how Republican Congress is, but thanks to you, we know the meaning of Hard Work and we’re not afraid of hard work at all.
The 56,000,000 plus citizens who voted against you and your agenda have given me a mandate to move forward with my agenda. Also, thanks to you and your careless domestic policies, I am unemployed, so this will be my full-time job. Being your political downfall will be the most noble accomplishment of my life and it will bring justice for my son and 1125 (so far) other brave Americans and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis your lies have killed. By the way, George, how many more innocent Iraqis are your policies going to kill before you convince them that you are better than Saddam? How many more of their cities are you going to level before you consider that they are liberated? If you really had any moral values, or if you were an honorable man at all you would resign. My son was a man who had high moral values and true courage. Humanity lost a bright light on April 04, 2004. I will live the rest of my life missing Casey desperately. Thank you for that, George. Have a nice day.
God Bless America!! We surely need it!
Cindy Sheehan
Broken hearted mother of a True American Hero: Spc Casey Austin Sheehan, KIA 04/04/04 Sadr City, Baghdad
I can understand why the photos of the Sheehan family posing with President Bush were pulled from the site.
It's hard to reconcile the images of Cindy Sheehan's meeting with the President with her hate-filled rant.
In the letter, she says that she and her family "worked very HARD to re-defeat [Bush] this time."
So, even though she believes that President Bush "stole" the 2000 election and did it again four years later, Sheehan agreed to meet with this devil incarnate and posed to record the occasion for posterity.
Although she was working "very hard" to get him out of office, on June 18, 2004, she allowed this uncaring, insensitive, horrible man to kiss her.
Doesn't make sense, does it?
Why didn't she use the opportunity to challenge him them?
I don't buy the "I was in shock" stuff anymore. Someone as anti-Bush as she is, dating back to 2000, could not have divorced herself so totally from her deeply held political beliefs.
Why would she let Bush kiss her?
As the President has said, she has every right to protest. I completely agree with that. She has the right to say off the wall, idiotic things.
However, I find it is so sad that she has chosen to use this right to disgrace her son's memory. She is dishonoring him. It would be possible for her to speak out against the policies of the Bush administration in a dignified fashion. Instead, she has decided to use the language of the radical Left.
When I look at the photos on "Casey's Peace Page," particularly the ones of him in uniform, I can't help but be troubled by the disconnect between the images and the rhetoric of his mother.
Casey looked damn proud to be serving the United States.
The fact that this young man didn't come home alive is heart-breaking. He couldn't have given more than he gave to his country. He deserves our gratitude for his willingness to put himself in harm's way. He is a hero for sacrificing his life for our security and the freedom of the Iraqi people.
It really bothers me that Casey's memory is being trampled by the media circus in Crawford and being crushed by the Leftist bandwagon his mother has boarded.
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