Code Pink, the radical far left-wing group, has received a lot of press lately. It's Cindy Sheehan's brainchild, so naturally the organization has gained prominence since she started her "just a mom in a ditch" protest.
This group is also behind the despicable protests at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
The more I learn about Code Pink, the more I understand the extremist mindset of the radical far Left.
Code Pink portrays itself as a group of level-headed, nurturing women trying to work for justice and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Their tactics may not be physically violent, but they are extremely emotionally abusive.
Here are some of the methods that they recommend for their anti-troop campaign, "Mothers don't let your children grow up to be killers."
Banner and Visual Ideas
Caution/Danger Tape: Bring yellow caution tape or red danger tape and write in the space between the "Caution" words: "Lies inside" or "Death probable" or... and hold the tape from one end of the Recruitment center to the other. Also, make signs that say: WARNING: Joining the military is hazardous to your health/ your mental health/ your education/ women/ people of color/ our lives/ the environment/ your future...
What a bunch of hateful women!
Tape Yellow Ribbons to the windows of the recruiting center with names of deceased soldiers. Here's an account from DC: "Fifty of us marched up to the US Army Recruiting station on L between 13th and 14th Street. Several police guarded the door so we could not get in. But they did not stop us from taping signs and yellow ribbons with the names of dead US soldiers from Iraq. An excellent protest idea recommended to groups nation wide!"
Code Pink doesn't hesitate to exploit the names of the dead for their own political purposes.
Wear numbers: Send for your number today to represent one of the over 100,000 victims of the war on Iraq. If you have not heard about this project, check out www.countingthecost.org.
"We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs." Or another quote from Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation
They are "too tender"? Give me a break.
They won't allow their sons to be "trained to injure" people?
Code Pink obviously views our military personnel as evildoers.
Spoof on the adventure sports aspect of military recruiting: "Training, Education, Adventure?" Death?
"If you want adventure sports, go rock climbing. If you want to die, join the military?" (Something along the lines of adventure sports vs military service. This could also be a great idea for forming coalitions on high school campuses with sports clubs-skiing team, climbing club, hiking club, etc.)
This is their idea of a spoof? Ha Ha.
"If you want to die, join the military."
Don't forget these Leftists claim to support the troops!
Life-sized coffin with idea that potential recruits can "try out" their future/post-service home? "Real military benefits include this oak box?"
This is really demented. It's reprehensible.
What kind of people would create coffins so young Americans could "try out" their military benefits?
Really sick people.
There is no way to characterize this tactic as anything other than abusive and violent.
Vigil with medical apparatuses and wheel chairs, with the idea that these devices come with the uniform; talk about # of wounded soldiers returning from the war.
To suggest that wheel chairs are part of a military uniform is so offensive.
It belittles the tremendous sacrifice of those who have served in our Armed Forces and have defended our freedom by putting themselves in harm's way.
This tactic shows no regard for those who have volunteered to serve and suffered permanent injuries as a result.
"Our children are not for sale to the war machine in ____(town name here)" or "War is not for sale in our town." "Recruiting Center closed." Make a "going out of business" sign that reads "Recruiting Center going out of business for lack of recruits." "All coffins (or flights to Iraq) 50% off." "Special Package Deal! Join the military and get a free body bag!"
Read these suggestions for signs. How horribly disrespectful to our troops!
Chalk: Bring sidewalk chalk to draw outlines of fallen soldiers at the entry way of the Center, or draw footprints with arrows and a message saying, "This way to death/war/lies/deception"
Again, this stuff is so psychologically violent.
Code Pink's tactics could be considered a form of emotional terrorism.
Banner with # of US troops dead from Iraq war and projected # of Iraqis killed and slogan such as, "Don't let one more of our sons and daughters die!" "Bring our troops home now!" "All I want for Mother's Day is for the troops to come home!"
Make sandwich-board style signs with chosen slogans
"You can't be all you can be if you're DEAD!"
This is positively disgraceful.
"Defend Freedom: Protest Recruiters in your High Schools!"
I'd like to know how Code Pink thinks we got to be a free country and how we have defended our freedom from the threats of Nazism, Communism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism.
The very individuals they are attacking, the people they view as the enemy, are the ones that keep them safe and free.
Code Pink is a group of extremely violent and dangerously misinformed women.
They employ a type of terrorism that is shameful. They should be condemned for what they do.
They don't understand the cost of peace.
Since they clearly don't comprehend this, they also lack the ability to be grateful for the protection that the military so bravely provides, as well as the God-given gift of freedom that our Armed Forces defends.
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