Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Curt Weldon Saves Face

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer

From FrontPage Magazine:

[O]ne of Rep. Curt Weldon's sources went public in order to testify to the public about the program. Colonel Tony Shaffer tells Philip Shenon that Able Danger did indeed identify Mohammed Atta as a possible member of an al-Qaeda terrorist cell by mid-2000.

...Not only did Shaffer get stiffed on informing the FBI, it appears that the 9/11 Commission had less than a fully enthusiastic response to his information. He insists that he told Commission staffers about the identification of Atta when he briefed them in October 2003, despite the counterclaims of the Commission staff. In fact, Shaffer says he risked his current security clearance to go public after Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean released their last statement on Friday in order to counter the frustration their latest story change caused him.

At least we know that Rep. Curt Weldon didn't make up the whole story. The DoD has not responded to Shaffer's revelations, preferring to wait until it performs an internal investigation into Able Danger. The Times also reports that Shaffer is not the same officer who attempted to brief the Commission in July 2004, which establishes two separate sources for the Atta identification prior to 9/11.

Do you think the New York Times will spend as much time on Able Danger as the publication has devoted to the adoption records of John Roberts' children?

The libs are having a tough summer, aren't they?

I propose that all copies of the 567 page 9/11 Commission Report be ritualistically burned.

At the very least, it should take its rightful place in the fiction section of Barnes & Noble.

Bad fiction

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