Radical Leftist organization MoveOn.org has joined forces with other radical fringe Leftist groups, such as Democracy for America and True Majority (founded by radical Left-wing activist Ben Cohen, of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream), to hold candlelight vigils across the country tonight.
Who is this nationwide vigil for?
Who else?
Cindy Sheehan.
From MoveOn:
Cindy has asked supporters to start candlelight vigils in their communities to support her and call for an end to the war. So, MoveOn is teaming up with True Majority and Democracy for America to host Vigils for Cindy Sheehan tonight, August 17th, to show our solidarity with Cindy.
Vigils for Cindy Sheehan???
They've got to be kidding!!!
This is just another stunt to get more media coverage for Sheehan and the anti-war movement.
I think there should be candlelight vigils held to support the fallen and their families, including Casey and Cindy Sheehan. It's a great idea and a way to show our nation's solidarity with the troops.
However, I think vigils held IN CINDY SHEEHAN'S HONOR are a disgrace to the men and women of the U.S. military who are serving with honor in this noble cause and doing so in our name.
Sheehan has chosen to shill for MoveOn, DFA, and True Majority. She's manipulated the media and promoted herself. She's allowing her son's death to be exploited for radical Left-wing fund-raisers. Her conference calls with radical Left-wing activists prove that her protest is far from one grieving mother sitting in a ditch, hoping for a moment of the President's time.
Kathleen Parker writes that there is no way President Bush should meet with her because what "Sheehan's anti-war supporters want is neither a hug nor a few words of comfort. They want a confrontation -- a wrenching, sobbing, high-noon showdown -- soon to be a Democratic political ad and Al-Jazeera headline for the foreseeable future."
Parker explains:
Sheehan, who opposed the war before her son died, belongs to the movement now. And Bush, regardless of what he personally might wish to do, has responsibilities that far exceed the crowd gathering beyond his Prairie Chapel Ranch.
Once he allows himself to be captured in a video clip or a photograph, recoiling from the agony of a bereaved mother, the world is in greater danger. Democrats might be delighted to freeze that image in political time, but so would insurgents planning their next Baghdad ambush.
Whatever Sheehan hoped for in the beginning of her watch is irrelevant now. She and her cause have been usurped and distorted by the phenomenon of which she is the center. Her healing will have to wait until the next big story breaks and the media circus moves on.
The President must put the concerns of our troops ahead of his sympathy for a mother he has already met.
Sheehan and her radical Leftist buddies aren't just exploiting Casey's death. For their own political purposes, they are exploiting the deaths of ALL the U.S. troops that have been killed in Iraq. They are selfishly using them to advance their anti-Bush agenda.
Al Jazeera will cover the vigils and slap more of Sheehan's statements on their website.
That sickens me.
Light a candle tonight, but NOT for Cindy Sheehan.
Light a candle to show your support for the fallen, like Brian Montgomery, and for all of our troops currently serving our country with courage and honor.
"Brian had a deep conviction that he needed to protect his country," his father said.
Some families of reservists killed in action have criticized the Bush administration's handling of the war. But Paul Montgomery said he did not, nor had Brian. "We both believe it's the right war at the right time," he said.
...[At Brian's funeral, his widow,] Pam, did not weep as she spoke.
In a clear, strong voice, she described how she knew she would marry Brian the day she met him. "You never believe in love at first sight until it happens to you," she told the mourners.
She spoke of Brian's habit of showing off his Marine tattoos in bars.
She spoke of his devotion to their son, whose first birthday came just two days after his father's death.
She recited a prayer she wrote to honor her husband and every Marine serving in Iraq.
"In order for me to get through this," she said finally, "honor all our service members every day. If you see one, salute them. Or stop in the recruiting office, or the VFW, and thank them."
In addition, I encourage you to go to any Any Soldier.com or America Supports You.mil for ways you can show your support for our troops. I have buttons to both sites on my sidebar.
Sgt. Brian Horn from LaPlata, Maryland, an Army Infantry Soldier with the 173rd Airborne Brigade was in the Kirkuk area of Iraq when he started the idea of Any Soldier to help care for his soldiers. He agreed to distribute packages, that came to him with "Attn: Any Soldier" in the address, to the soldiers who were not getting mail.
Brian is in Afghanistan now, and Any Soldier Inc. continues with your support.
Any Soldier Inc. started in August 2003 as a simple family effort to help the soldiers in one Army unit, thus our name. However, due to overwhelming requests, on 1 January 2004 the Any Soldier effort was expanded to include any member, of any of the Armed Services, in harms way.

Sue Horn with her son, Brian.
A letter of thanks from Brian--
"To all whom this may concern,
I would personally like to thank all of those who have recently contributed their time and efforts in what I believe to be an awe-inspiring and frankly quite dramatic display of support from the home-front. The correspondence and care packages have been coming in at an overwhelming and nearly monumental pace. The "Any Soldier" campaign has seen tears from some, given hope to most, and has been inspirational to us all. Your relentless support has provided the simple reminder that any one of us would proudly die for a grateful nation in our ongoing fight against terrorism."
"Freedom is not Free"
SGT Brian Horn
Support our troops any way you can.
Take a moment out of your day to pause and remember them and their families in your prayers.
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