MONTGOMERY, Ill. (AP) -- President Bush on Wednesday signed a whopping $286.4 billion transportation bill, touting it as bringing the nation's transportation network "into the 21st century.''
...With fanfare, Bush signed the more than 1,000-page highway bill into law even though it was more costly than he preferred. It includes cash to bankroll some 6,000 pet projects for lawmakers in their home districts.
The setting for Bush's bill-signing ceremony and speech was a plant operated by Caterpillar Inc., which makes road-building equipment. For the president, it was his second trip away from his Texas ranch this week to highlight recently passed legislation.

...The president left Texas during a downpour and ended up speaking under a bright sun at the plant where a crane sported a sign saying "Improving Highway Safety for America." The Chicago suburb is represented by House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., who introduced Bush at the event.
"I'm here to sign the highway bill because I believe by signing this bill, when it's fully implemented, there's going to be more demand for the machines you make here," Bush said, adding that a piece of Caterpillar equipment is used at his ranch.
"Because there's more demand for the machines you make here," he said, "there are going to be more jobs created around places like this facility."
Bush had threatened to veto the bill if the final version was too fat for his liking, and it took nearly two years for Congress to reach a compromise the White House would accept.
The President is getting a lot of work done on his vacation, isn't he?
Michael Moore should splice all the footage of Bush's "vacation recreation" together and make a movie.
What do presidents normally do while taking a summer break from the White House?
It varies.
When Bill Clinton vacationed on Martha's Vineyard, he was busy, too. On one visit, he collected souvenirs for Monica Lewinsky. He gave her several items from the Black Dog restaurant.
In spite of all Bush is doing during this month of August, the libs keep saying he's idly passing his days at the ranch.
Indeed, different presidents have different styles.
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