WASHINGTON (AP) -- After a week of protests by conservatives, an abortion-rights group said Thursday night it is withdrawing a television advertisement linking Supreme Court nominee John Roberts to violent anti-abortion activists.
"We regret that many people have misconstrued our recent advertisement about Mr. Roberts' record," said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.
"Unfortunately, the debate over that advertisement has become a distraction from the serious discussion we hoped to have with the American public," she said in a letter Thursday to Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who had urged the group to withdraw the ad.
...NARAL had planned a $500,000 campaign to show the ad for two weeks.
"This ad grossly distorts the record of John Roberts from start to finish," said former Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "It has only one goal: to associate John Roberts with violent extremists."
Senate Democrats have not taken a position on the ad. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the Judiciary Committee's top Democrat, told The Associated Press that ads for and against Roberts won't sway senators weighing the confirmation.
Why? Simple. The party has been hijacked by extremists.
The Democrats prefer inflicting damage on John Roberts to the truth.
That's really slimy. Just when I think the Democrats can't sink any lower, they manage to prove me wrong.
"There has been much furor over these ad campaigns, but I believe that television advertisements are not the point, and should not be the focus of debate or discussion," Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Thursday. But Schumer said he would ask Roberts about the constitutionality of abortion clinic protesting at his confirmation hearing.
I disgree with Chuckie, as usual.
Ad campaigns that are based on lies and intended to deceive the public should be of concern to all Americans.
Actually, I'm glad that NARAL ran their attack ad. The campaign exposed NARAL as a group of radical, fringe wackos.
People previously unfamiliar with NARAL will now associate the organization with lies.
In the end, that ad hurt NARAL a lot more than it did John Roberts.
Sweet justice.
What will the struggling CNN do without the ad revenue from the NARAL spot?I'm sure they will be first in line to run the next NARAL creation.
(I'm using "creation" as a polite way to say "lie.")
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