Friday, September 8, 2006

11-Year-Old Assault Victim HIV Positive

In addition to some more arrests being made in the case of the Milwaukee girl who was sexually assaulted by a mob of at least fifteen people, there's another twist.

MILWAUKEE -- A 16-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy have already been charged with assisting in the crime and a 40-year-old man is in custody, accused of raping the young victim in a home near n. 6th and Vienna.

According to the criminal complaint, the girl says she performed oral sex on as many as 15 boys and had sex with several of them, including the 40-year-old.

The 11-year-old girl has HIV. Her mother died of AIDS.

The incident sparked community outrage. North side Alderman Michael McGee said, "We really have to hold those accountable who committed this horrendous crime. There's outrage and as stakeholders in the neighborhood, we gonna find out who all had a part in this situation."

How clueless does one have to be to think that Milwaukee isn't going to hell?

On Charlie Sykes' radio program this morning, Mayor Tom Barrett acknowledged that there are problem areas in the city. He also said that he wouldn't tolerate any "hand-wringing" over crime in Milwaukee, a clear shot at Police Chief Nan Hegerty's assertion that the problem was bigger than law enforcement.

Still, Barrett won't say that the city is in crisis.

He continues to dodge the issue.

Now, it's reported that the assault victim has HIV. The girl's mother died of AIDS.

How tragic! The story just keeps getting worse.

Parts of Milwaukee are so extremely dysfunctional that they make the dysfunctional areas in other cities appear functional.

Why is that? What happened to Milwaukee?

It could have something to do with the fact that Milwaukee has a police chief who's unwilling to be held accountable for successfully policing the city.

Milwaukee has a mayor who's in denial and desperately struggling to convince the public, via a media blitz today, that he isn't.

Other than Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee has virtually no responsible leaders willing to address the problem in the way that it needs to be addressed -- forcefully, proactively, and immediately (FPI).

The fact is Milwaukee is currently running on a deficit of leadership, and it shows.

Too many of its local officials are incompetent, corrupt, or criminal. State officials, like Jim Doyle, are missing in action.

Herb Kohl-- What's he doing? Making plans for his Election night victory party? Perhaps he's taking a nap.

And Russ Feingold-- Other than running for president and putting Americans at risk by subverting the government's counterterrorism efforts, what's he doing?

Remember when Milwaukee's biggest problem used to be its beer and brats, Laverne and Shirley image?

That problem is solved. Milwaukee is rapidly becoming the city of truly horrific crimes. That makes one long for the old days, doesn't it?

I really don't understand why Milwaukee residents tolerate the crime and continue to vote for officials incapable of dealing with it.

No one can convince me that Milwaukee is not a city in crisis.

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