Monday, September 25, 2006

Green's Judgment Day

The ruling wasn't what Mark Green was hoping to get.

From the
Associated Press:

Mark Green's campaign says it will appeal Monday's court decision which upholds an order that he cannot use nearly $468,000 in donations.

Green's campaign manager Mark Graul says the matter will be best addressed by the Supreme Court. Graul says they'll set aside the PAC money involved until there's a final decision.

Dane County Circuit Court Judge Richard Niess ruled the state Elections Board legally ordered the Republican gubernatorial candidate to divest of the campaign donations, which Green raised as a congressman and then transferred when he announced his run for governor in 2005. The board ruled the money from out-of-state political action committees which aren't registered in Wisconsin violated the state's campaign finance laws.

Because Doyle's dirty tactics with the Elections Board have been exposed, I think that Green has gained far more in support from voters than he has lost in terms of campaign cash.

Although Doyle's hit squad is trying to break the Green campaign by taking away $468,000, that doesn't compare to the hit that Doyle is taking from this.

Doyle being revealed to be undeniably corrupt is priceless, absolutely priceless.

...Niess refused to grant Green's request for an injunction stopping the board's order from going into effect. Niess ruled Green didn't demonstrate that he would be irreparably injured by the order, nor that he was likely to prevail on the merits of his case.

Blah, blah, blah.

Has a Doyle lawyer been in contact with Niess? Any damning e-mails floating around out there?

...Governor Jim Doyle's campaign issued its own statement stating, "The time for endless excuses, finger-pointing, and hypocritical Republican attacks designed to distract voters from the truth about Congressman Green's misconduct has ended.

God, Doyle is slimy!


And is tampering with the state Elections Board acceptable conduct?

I am so sick of Jim Doyle and his crew assuming that holier-than-thou position when they are rotten to the core.

Read the
court document.

Read the Green campaign's statement on today's ruling.

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