Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Jim Webb

The Democrats and their lib media mouthpieces are ruthless people.

They will stop at nothing to bring down a Republican. I thought campaigning would get ugly after Labor Day, but I didn't envision something as vicious as the George Allen LIBERAL HIT JOB.

However, in their attacks on George Allen's integrity, the Dems and the lib media may have gone a bridge too far.

They pushed the macaca thing to the limit. Then, they foamed at the mouth over Allen's "hidden" Jewish heritage. The past couple of days, it's been Allen's alleged use of the N-word.

The New York Times offers the story of the latest person to come forward and reveal the "truth" about that racist monster George Allen.

Another acquaintance of Senator George Allen said Tuesday that she heard him use a racial slur in 1976, contradicting a statement he made Monday in an effort to tamp down similar accusations.

Mr. Allen’s campaign manager, Dick Wadhams, called the account by the woman, Ellen G. Hawkins, “another false accusation.”

...Mrs. Hawkins, who described herself as a rural Virginia housewife and an active Democrat, said in an interview Tuesday that she heard Mr. Allen use the slur repeatedly at a party on election night in 1976. She said Mr. Allen used the term while deprecating the intelligence of the black players on the Washington Redskins football team, which Mr. Allen’s father coached. Recalling remarks about its star running back, Larry Brown, Mrs. Hawkins said that Mr. Allen “started in effect bad-mouthing him, saying what a shiftless you-know-what” he was.

She said she remembered the conversation because she was a big fan of the team and was shocked. She said Mr. Allen’s statement on Monday was “just plain a lie.”

She described her recollections in an e-mail message forwarded to The New York Times. Her former husband, who she said was at the party, did not return a call for comment.

Exactly who sent this information to The New York Times?

Hawkins e-mail was forwarded. Forwarded by whom? Who was the original recipient of the e-mail?

Who solicited Hawkins to tell her story? Who prompted her to write the e-mail? Anyone?

...Mrs. Hawkins is the third acquaintance in two days to recount hearing Mr. Allen use racist slurs.

...A college football teammate, Dr. Ken Shelton, has said Mr. Allen used racial slurs and engaged in a racist prank in college in the early 70’s.

An anthropology professor, Christopher Taylor, said that as a graduate student at the University of Virginia he heard Mr. Allen use the epithet.

Mr. Allen’s campaign issued former teammates’ statements saying they did not remember his using the term. The campaign also issued a statement from his former wife, Anne Waddell, who confirmed meeting Mr. Taylor but disputed his recollection. She said Mr. Allen “would never utter such a word.”

As Hawkins basks in the spotlight for being the George Allen accuser of the day, Jim Webb, Allen's Dem challenger, is finally being pressed to address his vocabulary.

Democratic Senate challenger Jim Webb declined to say definitively Tuesday whether he had ever used a common derogatory term to describe blacks, stepping carefully after watching his campaign rival confront charges of racism.

"I don't think that there's anyone who grew up around the South that hasn't had the word pass through their lips at one time or another in their life," Webb told reporters.

Webb referred to his novel, "Fields of Fire," which aides said includes occurrences of the n-word as part of character dialogue. But he added: "I have never issued a racial or ethnic slur."

Asked for clarification of his original answer, spokeswoman Jessica Smith quoted Webb as saying, "I have never used that word in my general vocabulary or in any derogatory way."

She declined to say whether he had ever used the word apart from when he wrote his book.

Has Webb been taking flip-flopping lessons from his supporter, John Kerry?

He implied that he has used the N-word in the past; but then he backed off.

Did he use the N-word before he decided not to?

It certainly seems like Webb has some things to hide.

When he said, "I don't think that there's anyone who grew up around the South that hasn't had the word pass through their lips at one time or another in their life," Webb seemed to be acknowledging his own behavior. There's really no other interpretation.

Webb's spokeswoman is equally slippery in her responses on the matter.

She quotes Webb as saying that he NEVER used the N-word in his "general vocabulary" or in any "derogatory way." Then the spokeswoman turns around and doesn't answer whether or not Webb had used racial slurs apart from his writing.

Is Webb parsing his words here? Has he used the N-word but just doesn't consider it to be part of what he defines as his "general vocabulary"?

It seems that Webb is leaving himself some wiggle room, in the event that a "classmate" from college might surface with some damaging information on him.

If Webb was running on strong ideas, he wouldn't need to be dragging the campaign into the gutter.


Riehl World View uncovers some interesting connections between Allen's accusers and the Webb campaign.

Read about them.

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