Saturday, September 9, 2006

Doyle's "Washington Insider" Money

Jim Doyle's supporters love to say that Mark Green is a Bush clone.

They are always quick to say that Green rakes in donations from "Washington insiders."

I wondered about Doyle's Washington connections. Is the Doyle campaign being funded by DC area donors?


You're right!

He is!

Doyle received $87,500 in donations from 79 different contributors living in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

Again, the question is "why?"

Why are these people from out-of-state putting money into
the Wisconsin race for governor?

A look at some of the contributors' employers is revealing.


GMMB has helped guide Democrats to victory in campaigns for governor, the U.S. Senate and the presidency—winning tough races in the biggest states long after the pundits had written them off.

Forward Together PAC

The real issues we face are no longer right vs. left or conservative vs. liberal. They're about past vs. future. Our challenge, as Democrats, is to reclaim our role as the party of the future.

Sonosky, Chambers et al

A Washington, DC based lobby firm with clients that include many of the Indian gaming groups

Dickstein, Shapiro, et al

A Washington, DC based lobby firm their client base included Lorillard Tobacco, Manufacturer of the brands Newport, Kent, True, Old Gold, Maverick, Triumph, Satin, and Max. Lorillard retained Dickstein, Shapiro, et al, with a total of $1.5 million.

Quinn Gillespie & Associates

QGA’s core business is directly representing the interests of our clients in front of U.S. government policymakers. We have earned a reputation for being one of the most effective lobbying firms in the nation’s capital. Specifically, we specialize in lobbying.

The Thunder Road Group

The Thunder Road Group is a consulting firm that serves several of the pro-Democrat 527 committees engaged in supporting a Democratic candidate in U.S. presidential election, 2004. The Group "will concentrate on research and rapid response."

Jim Jordan, formerly John Kerry's campaign manager, heads the Thunder Road Group.

Doyle's "Washington insiders and lobbyists" connections are clear -- $87,500 clear.

It's time for Doyle and his hit men to come clean and quit misleading the public about Mark Green and his contributors.

Doyle and company need to fess up about where the campaign gets its money and stop applying a double standard to Green.

There's not a chance that they will be honest and take the high road. Doyle and the Dems are too sleazy.

Today's DOYLE DISTANT DONOR OF THE DAY recognition goes to the Washington Insiders -- his group of DC, Maryland, and Virginia contributors.


The figures are based on data from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.

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