Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bill Clinton, Brian Williams, and Light Bulbs

I don't watch NBC Nightly News.

I can't stomach it around dinner time. But this evening when I turned on the TV, it was tuned to NBC.

Who do I see?

Bill Clinton.

Rather than flipping the channel immediately, I decided to see what Bubba had to say.

When I came in on the interview, Brian Williams was talking to him about environmental stuff.

Williams asked what Clinton does personally to help the cause.

Clinton yapped about his hybrid car and how energy efficient he's making his home. He said that he and Hillary switched light bulbs.

He said that his Presidential Library had a great environmentally friendly rating and he was doing upgrades to get the Platinum Award, making it one of the greenest buildings in the world.

Williams wondered how much good changing light bulbs can do.

Clinton leaned forward and excitedly talked about screwing in efficient light bulbs.

There was something very creepy about that. I'm not sure why, just my reaction.

The final question from Williams had to do with Hillary. He asked if Bill was spending time giving political advice to "someone close" to him.

Clinton gave that familiar chuckle and said, "We talk everyday." He said that as if it were newsworthy that a married couple would speak to each other daily.

From what I saw of it, the interview was really weird.

My conclusions:


2. I couldn't handle Bill in the role of First Gentleman.


Read about Bill's
"Green Makeover" plans.

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