Thursday, December 27, 2007

Biden Plans to Break Through

Joe Biden can't be that detached from reality.

He can't really think that he can pull an upset in Iowa.

Oops! I was wrong. He is that detached.

From Politico:
Joe Biden is talking. “Barack does a room, Hillary does a room, I do the same room and I win,” he says. “I have absolute confidence in that. The question is: Do I get in enough rooms?”

Biden is sitting at a table in a Starbucks, a cup of coffee rapidly growing cold in front of him. We talk for thirty minutes and in that time I manage to fit in exactly two questions. I am not complaining.

Biden is charged up and telling me that if he could trade places with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards in Iowa right now he would not do it. Would not!

“I am not being a wiseass,” he tells me, nudging my arm for emphasis. “I am not joking. The guy with the most money and the woman with the biggest buzz, beaten by the man with the right message! Who people think is honest!”

Though beating them, in Biden’s view, does not mean actually coming in ahead of them in the tally for delegates on Jan 3, the night of the Iowa caucus. He means he will beat them when it comes to expectations.

He poses a possible outcome for caucus night. He says he is just making the numbers up, but it seems clear he has thought about them.

“Let’s say I end up with 15 percent, Barack is at 20 percent, Edwards is at 22 percent, and Hillary is at 26 percent,” Biden says. “That would be a big victory for me.”

He savors that for a moment. “Barack spends as much as Hillary and has all that organization and all that hype! And he gets beaten by Hillary by six points!” Biden says as if his fictional numbers were not fictional.

...At Starbucks, Biden says: “I tell my contributors - - the few we have - - and I tell my staff, ‘I cannot show you anything until Jan. 3.’ Then you guys (i.e. the media) will cover me and I will finally get to the front page of the New York Times, as reluctant as they are to do that.”

To Biden it is just a matter of getting in front of enough people.

“I am confident in my message and I am confident in breaking through and the only thing I am not confident about is have I been to enough places?” he asks with a shake of his head and then immediately brightens. “But I promise you, I am totally, completely at peace with the way I have done it.”

Is Biden sincere?

Is his ego so massive that he actually believes he can break through?

Is this part of a "Corporal Klinger" act, an attempt at a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Is it caffeine talking?

I don't know.

People do say some weird things at Starbucks.

Look for Biden to slip some of Starbucks' "The Way I See It" sayings into his speeches.

I hope he's learned his lesson when it comes to plagiarism and gives credit where credit is due.

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