Thursday, December 13, 2007

You can't go wrong with giving gift cards, right?

Why struggle with finding the perfect item for people on your Christmas list when you can let them pick out their own gifts?

Who's dissatisfied with a gift card?

Apparently, a lot of people are looking their gift cards in the mouth. (It’s not really the thought that counts, you know. That's a myth.)

If you're among those not happy with gift cards you receive, you can do something about it. may be just what you need.

You can sell or swap those gift cards that aren't right for you. Yes, it's now possible to return or exchange gift cards.

Will the day come when cold hard cash replaces presents under the tree?

Think of all that wrapping paper and all those boxes that could be eliminated altogether.

Plus, it would alleviate the after-Christmas headaches of unloading those annoying cards.

Do what's right. Go green. Give money, money, money.


If you are unfortunate and receive a gift card that doesn't fit, here's everything you need to know about getting rid of those unwanted gift cards and getting what you really want for Christmas.

It is always better to receive what you want.

That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

Good grief.

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