Wednesday, March 14, 2007

SURPRISE! Another Armed Robbery!

This is getting to be like Groundhog Day!

Another day, another report of a robbery.

From The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The series of armed robberies on the city's south side extended to the RadioShack at 3555 S. 27th St. last night.

In a pattern repeated more than 20 times since December, the bandit waved a handgun and ordered employees and customers to the floor, after entering the shop about 7:24 p.m. He then directed a worker to hand over money from the cash register and took money from a customer near the counter.

Police spokeswoman Anne E. Schwartz said the circumstances were similar enough for police to consider the robbery part of a crime spree being carried out by a single suspect, who has targeted businesses in and around the Bay View neighborhood.

The victims in the Tuesday night robbery described the culprit as 5 feet 9 inches to six feet tall.

He wore a brown bandana and pulled a gray hood around his face to conceal his features. He also wore khaki pants, brown boots and dark-colored gloves.

His clothing has varied in the robberies and victims have described the gun used as black or silver. In each instance, he has covered his face with a scarf or bandana.

Some of the victims have described robbers in the cases as a white man, although his features have been hidden by his clothing. Schwartz said police officials, Mayor Tom Barrett and area residents planned to walk through Bay View tonight night to promote safety.

This is one of the most detailed descriptions of the thug given to the public so far.

Of course, most of the other reports were sorely lacking in details about the perpetrator.

Still, the reporting is shoddy.

The "20 times since December" pattern does NOT involve just the stocky white guy.

The suggestion is that one man is terrorizing the area. That's not the case.

This one guy fits the description of the suspect for a bunch of the robberies, but not all.

What more is there to say about this?


I guess the crime is destined to continue because the groundhog saw his shadow.

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